Thursday, May 19, 2011

Collage It Free: Throw together a photo collage

There are plenty of tools for organizing, editing and sharing your photos. But most people act like their photos are in a digital museum. Look, but don't touch. I think that's a little silly.

It's fine to show off your photos. But you can have some fun with them too. Playing with your photos is a great way to spend some time. And with the right to you can actually create something cool.

I'll bet you can guess what kind of program CollageIt happens to be. It makes it easy to throw together fun photo collages. Just pick out a selection of your photo library. Tweak some settings. And generate a fun, random collage.

CollageIt supports most common photo file types. So, it should work with any photo in your collection. Adjust photo spacing, rotation and overall collage size. Sizes are based on standard printer paper sizes. This makes printing out your collage easy.

Cost: Free


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